Happy Halloween! Yes that day has finally arrived. As I did last year I will be updating this post with the costumes I see, the time they come and the amount of people we get.
I’d also like to wish Nuk3d a Happy bday.

All Times are in GMT -5 or EST(Eastern Standard Time)
First trick or treater has arrived…
People so far: 91
[6:30pm] A princess
[6:42pm] Wolverine (I think)
[6:43pm] a Grim Reaper
[6:46pm] The Chipmunks! (two of them anyways, Alvin and Theodore)
[6:49pm] A sumo wrestler and a Tootsie Roll
[6:50pm] A hockey player, a cowboy, and 2 other people I didn’t get a good look at to figure out
[6:58pm] A witch, a person with fuzzy hair, and a person without a costume (lazy person!)
[6:59pm] Two Vampires, quite good costumes tbh too
[7:05pm] Darth Vader
[7:06pm] Five Costume-less lazy people
[7:08pm] A Fairy and a Devil
[7:09pm] Eight people (a Cow, a Fairy, another Devil and that’s all I can remember)
[7:14pm] Another Devil, a person dressed in white and a person dressed in black
[7:20pm] Two Angels, a Costume-less person, and two others I can’t remember the costumes of
[7:24pm] Three more Fairies
[7:34pm] Dorthy (from the Wizard of Oz) and another Fairy
[7:37pm] A Pirate
[7:42pm] A Ghost and two Costume-less people
[7:44pm] Santa and two fairies
[7:45pm] Another Santa and a referee
[7:46pm] A Soldier
[7:47pm] Mad Hatter and a costume-less person
[7:55pm] A mouse, a joker, and four other people whose costumes escape me (I need a better memory)
[7:56pm] Either two vampires or two Harry Potter characters, I’m not sure tbh
[7:59pm] Two costume-less people
[8:02pm] A Luigi, a Mickey, and a person dressed in white
[8:13pm] A Vampire
[8:14pm] A Zombie
[8:18pm] A Grim Reaper
[8:21pm] A ghost and a person dressed in black with a drawn on mustache
[8:22pm] A Lion and a costume-less person
[8:23pm] Winnie the Pooh
[8:25pm] A person with Green hair
[8:30pm] A person dressed in pink, two costume-less people, and one bored person
[8:45pm] ANOTHER Grim Reaper and Ghost, and two people dressed in black
[8:51pm] Two people dressed in black
[9:07pm] A Grim Reaper
and it’s over at 9:21pm, Click Here to see the candy we gave out.
Thanks for reading!