100 Best Games of All Time

I was going to do something video game related, along the lines of this but it looks like PC Gamer did it for me though.
No I’m kidding, I could never compile such a list, although stay tuned, in a week or so I will be making a post that is similar perhaps. Without further ado, the 100 best games of all time!

Which can be found here. 😛

For now though, I will run through what I thought of this list and my favourites from it.

First of all, World of Warcraft at #2? HELL NO, worst choice ever for the #2 spot!
I can’t comment on the game in the #1 spot (1. Deus Ex) to be honest though, it’s still on my “to play” list (which is pretty looooooooooonnnnnngggggg). Finally, I’ll go over my favourites in the list and comment on them.

Team Fortress 2 – #4

Two words, Hell Yes! TF2 is an epic class-based team-based multiplayer game, no game like it (that I can think of at the moment). This game just keeps going and going with Vavle still supporting and updating it (it isn’t old though really I guess) and hopefully will keep on going for a while to come.

Half Life 2 – #5

Oh yes, the infamous Half life 2, what would the world be without a game so much full of win be like? It would not be full. 😛
In all honesty, this game deserved higher, #1! It was on the list as #1 last year I think though (correct me if I’m wrong).

Diablo 2 – #7

This game was another fantastic game made my Blizzard. To be honest, I don’t know if I ever did get around to finishing it… either way, it needs another play through.

Portal – #8

Another one of those games that are just so fun and satisfying to play. This puzzle-based FPS game is a real jewel, with Portal 2 just around the corner it would really be worthwhile to go through this game again.

Starcraft 2 – #9

I have yet to finish this game to be honest, what I have played so far though I like, a lot. This is a great RTS game that lives up to the first Starcraft game (in my opinion), even exceeds it perhaps. Heck, I even did an unboxing post for this game.

Half Life – #14

This game also deserved a higher spot, at least in the top 10. It is more than Ten years old now and it still feels fresh and fun to play! One of the best FPS games of all time.

Left 4 Dead – #15

This game definitely earns it’s spot in the top 20, fast-paced action, zombies, shotguns, what more is there to ask for?

Half Life 2: Episode 2 – #20

Again, another game I feel deserves higher, the 2nd episode of the awesome Half Life 2 is another fantastic game. Great story, fast-paced action with the introduction of some new things. The ending of this game still has me sad, for people who have yet to play and finish it, I will not say it. Oh and as Steam’s midweek madness sale for this week, Half Life 2: Episode 2 is on for $2.

For the rest, I will just list them.

Fallout 3 – #27
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – #31
Bioshock – #34
DOOM – #41
Left 4 Dead 2 – #62 (I prefer Left 4 Dead 1 to be honest though)
Sim City 2000 – #63
Crysis – #78
Mirror’s Edge – #90
AudioSurf – #95
Max Payne – #97

Fresh Install

I just did a fresh install of WordPress for the release of WordPress 3.1!
As you will notice, the theme looks different, that is because I upgraded to the latest version of it (1.2), I couldn’t before because for some reason it kept messing up my menu at the top and some other things.

Some things might seem broken still, be patient as I am getting everything to how it used to be and improving things.

Thanks for reading!

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