Meet the Pyro, Source Filmmaker, and Google IO

Meet the Pyro and Source Filmmaker

Today Valve finally released the Meet the Pyro video (embedded below), completing their “Meet the” Team Fortress 2 video series. They also Announced the beta of Source Filmmaker (embedded below), the utility used used to make the Meet the Pyro videos and many other videos from various Valve Source Engine games. Further details on Source Filmmaker can be found here.

Google IO and Project Glass

Today was also the start of Google IO and Google hosted their Day One Keynote. The main show stopper from that was further details on Project Glass, the Skydiving demo was very nice (embedded below). Project Glass is now available for pre-order for Google IO attendees, shipping next year (2013) for a mere $1500. You can watch the whole Google IO Day One Keynote here.

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